Plantar warts. Cause, pathological treatment

What are warts

PlantarWartsare benign growths of epithelial cells, appearing as small growths caused by human papillomavirus. These manifestations are located directly on the supporting area of ​​the foot or toe.

Interesting fact:

  1. According to statistics, the most common manifestations of warts are between 20 and 30 years old.
  2. In most cases (more than 50%) plantar warts can heal on their own without any treatment.
  3. According to various sources, the carriers of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) account for 70% to 90% of the world’s population.
  4. Plantar warts are often called "spine". This explanation is related to thorns, which are difficult to step on.
  5. Most types of HPV affect the skin.

Causes of warts

Warts are viral skin diseases caused by human papillomavirus.

There are about one hundred kinds of this virus. Due to the protective effect on the human body, they can enter the human body and do not show themselves for a long time.

  • Immunity;
  • Phagocytosis (is ​​a non-specific defense response of the body, that is, when a pathological agent enters the body, phagocytes surround it and destroy it).

The risk of contracting human papillomavirus depends on the following factors:

  • Viral activity in human vectors;
  • The nature of contact (direct or indirect contact);
  • The immune status of the infected person.

70-90% of people are carriers of human papillomavirus, but whether warts appear depends on the immune status. People with reduced body resistance are more likely to develop warts. In addition, if the human body is affected by unfavorable factors (such as stress, fatigue, insomnia, poor hygiene), the risk of developing warts will also increase, which can lead to a weakened immune system.

Papillomavirus can be infected through contact with people with warts, such as shaking hands, sharing things (towels, slippers);

Human papillomavirus infection has the following triggers:

  • sweating in the legs (skin becomes loose and promotes the penetration of various infections);
  • Frequently wash and clean (Frequent use of various cleansers to stimulate the skin will destroy the protective layer of the skin, thereby promoting the penetration of viruses)
  • Skin or mucous membrane slight wounds (cracks, scratches, abrasions are the entrance door for infection into the human body);
  • Uncomfortable tight-fitting shoes can cause friction on the skin of the feet (calluses and abrasions are also the entrance door for infection into the human body);
  • diseases that cause epithelial dystrophy of the feet (for example,diabetes, atherosclerosis);
  • Viruses can be infected through pedicure tools (if not disinfected, then);
  • Public baths, saunas or swimming pools (where the feet directly touch the floor that may be infected).

Human skin is composed of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The human papillomavirus that penetrates the skin tissue affects the basal layer of the epidermis. Subsequently, after multiplying, the cells affected by the virus rise in all layers of the epidermis and are located on the epidermal stratum corneum of the epithelium, appearing as outwardly rough and keratinized skin.

Human Papilloma Virus

Human papilloma virus

HPV is a papillomavirus family infection that infects organs (usually genitals) and mucous membranes of skin epithelial cells. Papillomavirus contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is introduced into human cells to stimulate it to produce new virus particles.

All types of HPV can be roughly divided into two categories:

  • papilloma virus with carcinogenic properties;
  • Papillomavirus that does not have carcinogenic properties.

Note:Carcinogenic properties help to form malignant tumors.

Today, there are more than one hundred human papillomaviruses. Generally, warts are caused by type 1 HPV. In some cases, their formation can cause types 2 and 4 (non-carcinogenic papillomavirus).

HPV is usually found in everyone who has sex. Eight out of ten people are infected with this virus. Among all types of HPV, the most dangerous are 6, 11, 16, and 18. These types of HPV may cause papilloma, conidiomas and cancer.

Symptoms and warts on the feet

The human papillomavirus that penetrates the tissue can be passive or active.

    The passive state is characterized in that the virus in the basal layer of the epidermis reproduces slowly and does not reach the stratum corneum of the epithelium, so this state does not appear outward.
  • The active state is characterized by the virus being actively developing and rising to the upper layer of the epidermis, showing many symptoms.
FeaturesFade inphotos
glossy surface Initially, the wart appears as shiny patches, then its surface is keratinized and becomes rougher and rougher. Early symptoms of warts
Dimensions Plantar warts range in size from 1 to 2 cm, and are 1 to 3 mm higher than the epithelial surface. In most cases, warts are oval or round. There is also the concept of maternal and infant warts. Maternal warts appear first and are the largest; generally, smaller sub-warts can form around them. Over time, the maternal and infant warts will combine to form large lesions.
Soreness Plantar warts are located on the feet, where most of the weight lies. The wart is compressed between the sole of the foot and the bone, which causes the surrounding tissue to harden. In most cases, these warts are very painful because they compress the nerves of the feet and cause pain when walking.
Color The color of most warts is light brown or yellowish white.
Black dots If the cuticle is removed from the surface of the wart, dark spots may appear on the bed in the affected area, which is caused by capillary thrombosis in the area. This feature is a unique feature of the wart caused by corn and call bone.

Remove sole warts

Remove plant warts

There are many effective and safe treatments for safe warts. However, it should be noted that in some cases, the human papillomavirus penetrates into the deepest layer of the epidermis (into the basal layer), so it is complicated to reliably remove warts.

Warts must be treated in the following situations:

    Wart pain;
  • The wart is bleeding;
  • Large warts;
  • The color of the wart is uneven (for example, where spots appear);
  • Warts grow rapidly.

There are the following methods to remove for warts:

  • Freeze destruction;
  • Laser condensation;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Radio wave surgery;
  • Surgical removal.


This method involves exposing the wart to minus 196 degrees liquid nitrogen. Freeze disinfection is characterized in that when the wart is frozen, the skin area affected by the virus is destroyed, which then stimulates the body's immunity. However, it should be noted that if the wart appears and exists for up to six months, its removal effect is 84%. The efficiency of removing warts that exist for more than six months is reduced to 39%.

Can execute password decryption program:

  • (useliquid nitrogen until a 2 mm diameter halo appears around the wart);
  • is ​​aggressive (after the halo appeared around the wart, the liquid nitrogen continued to be applied for 5 to 20 seconds).

Studies have shown that the radical method of freezing warts is more effective than conventional methods, but the disadvantage is that it is more painful.

After removing the wart from the exposed area, the skin becomes hyperemic (redness), followed by edema. A few hours later, air bubbles (may contain hemorrhagic or serous fluid) formed in the affected area. About six to seven days after the bladder was dry, a crust formed in its place and lasted two weeks. Disappeared by itself.

After removing the wart, please follow these guidelines:

  • No blisters should form on the wart.
  • The affected area should not be covered with tape;
  • It is recommended to wrap the exposed part with a sterile bandage instead of pulling down the bandage to prevent mechanical damage and contamination of the infected part;
  • It is recommended to treat the affected area with 2% salicyl alcohol twice a day;
  • Try to avoid water entering the contact area.
Method advantage Disadvantages of this method
The tissue can heal without leaving scars If the surface is exposed to liquid nitrogen, the possibility of recurrence is high (reconstruction) warts
This procedure does not require local anesthesia Local pigmentation or pigmentation may appear after the operation
It takes one to two minutes to remove the warts with this method If you burn deeper, there is a risk of scarring

Laser coagulation

Using a laser beam to remove warts is one of the most common treatments today. The characteristic of this method is to burn the affected area layer by layer so that the exposure depth can be controlled. Moreover, when the wart is removed, the laser beam welds the container at the same time, thereby preventing exudation at the exposed part.

The following laser coagulation methods can be used:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)-laser.The wart is exposed to infrared light (wavelength is 10 600 nm). The disadvantage of this treatment method is that tissue cauterization is not selective, that is, there is the possibility of damaging healthy tissue. The efficiency of using carbon dioxide laser to remove plant warts is 70%.
  • laser laser.This method is characterized by a shorter wavelength of 2940 nm, which can significantly reduce the possibility of scar formation after the formation of tissue epithelium. The effectiveness of this treatment is 75%.
  • Pulsed dye laser.This method is characterized by selective energy absorption (wavelength is 586 nm) oxygenated hemoglobin, which destroys the expanded capillaries in the wart and stimulates the immune system, thereby helpingEffective cure. The effectiveness of this treatment is about 95%.

After laser treatment, a crust is formed on the affected area, and the crust will disappear on its own within seven to ten days. It is not recommended to tear off the shell and do not use certain things (ointment, cream, alcohol solution) to lubricate. Similarly, in the first few days after surgery, avoid drinking water at the contact area.

Method advantage Disadvantages of this method
The tissue can heal without leaving scars The disadvantages of this method only include the high cost of the process
Fast tissue healing
Low risk of recurrence (recurrence)
Hardly affect healthy tissues


Plantar warts are exposed to high-frequency currents. The burn site should be performed under local anesthesia. As the coagulation ring is applied to the affected part of the skin, electric current is applied to the wart, causing its death. Moreover, the effect of high temperature leads to welding of the container, thereby preventing the development of bleeding.

After the operation, a thick shell is formed on the exposed area, and the shell will disappear by itself within ten days.

After removing the wart, follow these guidelines:

  • During the recovery period, try to avoid getting water or soap on the skin of the affected area;
  • The shell formed should not be touched or torn off;
  • During the first 7 to 10 days, it is recommended to treat the contact area with antibacterial agent once or twice a day.
Method advantage Disadvantages of this method
The available cost of the process Shallow warts
Prevent bleeding When the tissue is exposed to deep skin after healing, the scar may still exist
This process takes a few seconds to a minute Removal of superficial warts may cause recurrence

Radio wave surgery

This treatment method involves the use of special electrodes that emit high-frequency radio waves (3. 8-4. 0 MHz). Exposure to high temperatures on warts can cause the cells infected with papillomavirus to evaporate. In addition, the use of this method prevents the development of bleeding due to the burning of blood vessels. After exposure, a crust forms on the affected area of ​​the skin, which will disappear on its own within seven to ten days.

Contraindications during rehabilitation:

  • In the first two days after the operation, please do not wet the moxibustion area;
  • Peel the shell off within seven to ten days.
Method advantage Disadvantages of this method
When exposed to the affected area, healthy tissues are hardly affected The cost of this process is very high
The risk of scarring after the tissue heals is small
Low risk of remission after treatment (2% to 5%)

Surgical resection

This method is characterized by removing warts with a scalpel under local anesthesia. After removing the affected area, suture it and remove it after seven to ten days.

Method advantage Disadvantages of this method
Used to remove large warts After removing the stitches, scars may be left in the affected area
There is a risk of remission (symptoms disappear) warts

General principles for caring for the affected skin area after wart removal:

  • If a shell is formed, do not touch or tear the shell.
  • Restrict water from entering the affected area;
  • After the wart is removed, it is impossible to expose the exposed part to direct sunlight;
  • Do not use any cosmetics (, such as creams or lotions) on the affected skin area;
  • It is not recommended to visit a public sauna, bathroom or swimming pool one to two months after the wart is removed;
  • After removing warts, it is recommended to use vitamins A, C and E, because they can promote rapid tissue regeneration (rehabilitation), and can also stimulate the body's defense capabilities.

Note:If complications (inflammation of the affected area, prolonged healing time, scarring) occur after removing the wart, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

For all treatments, the contraindications for this surgery are:

  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases near warts;
  • Herpes gets worse;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Hypertension (higher than 140, per 100 mmHg).

Warts can be treated without surgery

For single and shallow plant warts, traditional treatment methods are recommended.

Name of tool used CookingApply
Acetic acid You need to buy 70% acetic acid, petrolatum, and prepare a pipette to apply the correct dose. Before using acetic acid, apply petroleum jelly to the healthy skin around the wart.
Then, use a pipette to put a drop of acetic acid on the wart. Use this method once a day until the warts disappear.
Garlic injection It is necessary to chop three cloves of garlic and pour it into boiling water (50 ml). After one hour, the resulting infusion must be filtered and used. Lubricate the wart area once a day and give an infusion until it disappears completely.
Salt solution Dissolve one tablespoon of salt (100ml) in hot water, then add one tablespoon of vinegar (9%). The resulting solution must be thoroughly stirred, and then the pulp of a plum must be immersed in it and poured for two hours. After time has passed, it is necessary to remove the plums from the solution and grind them into a gruel.
The resulting plum porridge must be applied to warts.
For a firm fit, please wrap your feet and put socks on them.
This compression should be kept for two to three hours. This process should be repeated every day until the warts disappear completely.
Wormwood infusion Add three tablespoons of dried wormwood to a cup of hot water (250 ml), close the lid and infuse for two hours.
The resulting solution should be applied to the affected area of ​​the foot 3 to 4 times a day until the wart disappears.
Lemon peel injection You need to take the peel from two lemons and put it in a 1 liter crushed jar. Then add 100 ml of 9% vinegar to the container and close the lid tightly. The contents should be injected for a week, and the jar should be shaken regularly. At the end of this period, the infusion must be filtered. Moisten the infusion with warts twice a day until the warts disappear completely.
St. John’s Wort Juice For a glass of water (250 ml), add a tablespoon of chopped St. John’s wort and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. After cooking, the broth must be cooled and then filtered. The resulting broth should be applied to the wart three to four times a day until the wart disappears completely.
Note:If you have any side effects, you should consult your doctor immediately.

At present, celandine is also effectively used to treat plantar warts. This plant has an orange-yellow concoction.

Celandine has the following medicinal properties:

  • Fungicide (causes the death of hidden microorganisms);
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Cholestasis;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • Wound healing;
  • Burn;
  • Relieve itching;
  • Celandine also contains vitamins A and C.

When treating plantar warts, use fresh celandine juice, which must be rubbed on the affected area twice a day until the warts disappear completely. Before applying celandine, it is recommended to steam the feet thoroughly with hot water and remove the keratinized part of the wart with pumice stone.

In the treatment of plantar warts, celandine has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Helps relieve pain when walking;
  • accelerates the drying of warts and the formation of crusts;
  • Due to the content of vitamins A and C,
  • will stimulate the local immune response.

Celandine also contains HPV sensitive acids (ascorbic acid, succinic acid, malic acid, citric acid).

To improve the treatment effect of plant warts, the following suggestions should be followed:

  • Perform daily hygiene operations on the feet;
  • Vitamins should be used regularly to strengthen the immune system (, such as vitamins A, E, C);
  • Use separate footwear (such ashouse slippers);
  • If the skin on the feet is dry, a moisturizing foot cream must be used regularly;
  • In public places (bathroom, sauna or swimming pool) personal slippers should be used and bare feet should be avoided;
  • Carefully choose the right footwear (egthe right size, natural materials);
  • If your feet sweat too much, you must use a desiccant and try to choose shoes according to the weather.